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Norsk Moto Guzzi Klubb ForumGenereltEn morgenaperitiff.....
.... for de som alt ikke har hørt / sett den:

Little Johnny was sitting in the courtyard turning a bottle of liquid
back and forth, watching the bubbles. The Priest walked up and asked him
what he was doing? Little Johnny replied, "I’m looking at the most
powerful liquid in the world."
The Priest said, "But Johnny, Holy Water is the most powerful liquid in
the world. Did you know that if you put Holy Water on a pregnant
woman’s belly, she will pass a boy!"

Little Johnny said, "Big deal!
This is turpentine. If you put this on a cat’s ass, he’ll pass a
Harley Davidson..."

Norsk Moto Guzzi Klubb ForumGenereltEn morgenaperitiff.....

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